Busy doing nothing
This week: Busy doing nothing; Floof update

This week’s blog is going to be short, sharp and to the point!
I have done very little outside because of the heat and my inside work has not been particularly photogenic.
What do I have to show for my week? Very, very little. There are damp patches around the base of the trees and shrubs I am irrigating and that really is about it.
I spent most of Sunday trying to resolve a computer problem. Simply, I couldn’t turn Windows off. That beats the usual problem of Windows not loading, but it still needed a download of a new version and a reinstall.
For once I didn’t feel guilty spending the day in front of a computer screen.
Busy doing nothing
The heat has been extreme all week. The average outdoor temperature every day this week has been over 31.5°C.

With the Jetstream being a lot further south than normal for this time of year, heat from North Africa is being dragged up and across the Mediterranean basin.
In Stari Grad on Monday, the maximum temperature was 38.9°C, whilst here in Dol, it was “only” 37°C. Inside my home, the temperature has not dropped below 30°C, which has made things unpleasant, even with fans circulating air.
Today I am sitting in front of my study window, with for the first time in days, a breeze coming in. Tigger is enjoying the breeze too and has spent the whole day sitting or sleeping here.

Meanwhile the sea temperatures around our coast line have reached record levels.

Today in Jelsa, where I go swimming, the temperature is over 28°C. That is bath water temperature!
The first of my figs have ripened. They are a little earlier than previous years, but are very welcome. There is something about walking out onto the terrace an plucking a few figs from my tree,

The ripening of the figs is also a little bittersweet, because it means the year is rapidly moving on and the season is changing to our extended autumn.
Floof update
Floof continues to mature. Almost all his fluffy , grey owlet feathers have now gone.

The feather plumes above his ears are starting to develop noticeably and he has that inquisitive “owl” stare.
I bought what I thought was a cuddly owl toy for him, however when it came in the post this week, although furry, it was more of a mantlepiece ornament.
When Floof first saw it, his reaction was to fluff up all his feathers and put his head down in a show of aggression. Clearly he thought it was a rival.
Far from accepting the newcomer as a fluffy mate to cuddle up to, he has ignored it completely, or given it the “evil eye”!
Even when you act with the best of intentions, things do not go according to plan….. NCG