The incompatibility matrix – 2020/16
Some flowers are long lived, others like the Salsify, although pretty, last less than half a day. They still set seed readily even with a short pollination window.
Some flowers are long lived, others like the Salsify, although pretty, last less than half a day. They still set seed readily even with a short pollination window.
As spring turns into summer my flowering trees, like this columnar Japanese Cherry “Amanogawa” look lovely.
Spring is almost over and the early flowering plants, like this Rosemary bush are attracting the pollinators.
COVID-19 means no more photo expeditions around the island. So I’ll be concentrating on other subjects
Crane’s bill flowers form a carpet under the Olive trees
I still have Robins and Wrens in the garden. These are winter visitors and will soon set off on their migration north. At the same time, our summer visitors will soon be arriving.
This is the time of year when the blossom on the trees looks stunning. Plums, almonds, peaches, apricots and cherries flower successively in my orchards.
I have moved some Water Lilies into permanent baskets this week, ready to go into the pond.
I was completely alone at Dračevica this week. The silence was complete and palpable as the sun set behind the southern hills.
An aerial view of my extension, as water is sloshed everywhere to soak the wooden boards before the concrete arrives.