Hanging curtains – 2023/50

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Hanging Curtains This week: Hanging curtains; Winter fruits; Lemons for life; We are on the downhill run to Christmas. Monday week is Christmas Day, but some how, it just doesn’t feel all that “Christmassy” yet. In the shops the Christmas … Read More

Heavy Rain – 2023/49

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Heavy Rain This week: Heavy rain; Indoor jobs; Seed collecting; Across much of Europe the temperatures are lower than usual and there has been some significant snowfalls. In Germany the cold and snow brought chaos. The trains, planes and autobahns … Read More

Going absolutely bananas – 2023/42

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Going absolutely bananas This week: Knowing your limits; Autumnal days; Winterisation; Going absolutely bananas; Mapping temperatures in the polytunnel; We have experienced some wild weather this week. Temperatures have been mild with sunshine at the start of the week. Then … Read More

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